Harry Urschel

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Harry has over 30 years experience in the executive search business helping companies find their best new employees while also helping them improve their hiring processes. That experience has helped him gain a tremendous amount of insight into how job seekers can better pursue the careers they want. Working in the job search process from both sides of the interview table has provided a great amount of understanding about what works and what doesn’t in an ever-changing market.

He uses that experience to help people in transition find the most effective ways to land where they want to land, rather than just accept what happens to be available at the moment. He’s written his best advice in a nationally recognized and awarded blog (www.TheWiseJobSearch.com). And additionally, leads Crossroads Career Network (www.mncrossroads.com/), a successful Twin Cities job transition support group that serves over 200 people each month in their search for their next position.

Harry has led and managed search firms, including his own firm for many years and understands the challenges of roles at every level of an organization. In all of the work, he recognizes the emotional and mentally challenging process a job search can be and helps people navigate through the ups and downs.